The Potential of German-Iraqi Renewable Energy Partnership


A joint webinar co-organised by the German Liaison Office for Industry and Commerce in Iraq (AHK Iraq) and Iraq Energy Institute (IEI) in cooperation with the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the German Embassy in Iraq.

Iraq suffers from a large deficit in electricity production that leaves the country’s approximate population of 40 million people with limited access to power. The gap between supply and peak-demand is most evident in summer where it reaches 6000 MW. With the country’s population growing at an annual rate of 7%, almost 2000 MW in additional capacity is needed every year.

Renewable energy is seen as an essential technological solution that could augment Iraq’s national grid with greatly needed supply fast and affordably. Moreover, it may provide Iraqis with the energy freedom they seek from pollutive, expensive and noisy neighbourhood generators through decentralised and roof-top applications.

Germany has been a pioneering country in the adoption and expansion of renewable energy technologies. A future renewable energy partnership between both nations may help Iraq develop legislative, financial and technical capacities needed in this field. For the Germans, it may also open a new market with strong potential and opportunities.


  • Dr. Sebastian Bolay, Director Electricity Market and Renewables at the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) and coordinator of DIHK’s energy policy
  • Yesar Al-Maleki, Managing Director, Iraq Energy Institute

Moderator: Nisrin Khalil, Director, German Liaison Office for Industry and Commerce in Iraq (AHK Iraq)

Mode & Duration

Zoom Webinar – 60 Minutes

Date & Time

11 August 2020

15:00 Baghdad Time
14:00 Berlin Time
16:00 Dubai Time

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